Update: March 27, 2023 (Joe Meadows)

From the beginning of the year to today (Mar 27), we’ve added $2,614.32 worth of crushed stone (108 yards) to Mary Ordway Road. Unfortunately, we’ve received only $1400 from other property owners toward those costs, and this does NOT include the 36 yards of stone added at the end of 2022 for the emergency repairs necessary after the storm just before Christmas. It also doesn’t include the cost of sand used to keep the road passable when it was icy, or the costs of labor, diesel, or wear-and-tear on equipment.

If you own property on Mary Ordway Road, Retreat Way, or Quigg Island Road, financial contributions toward road maintenance materials would be appreciated. Email me at joe@meadoasis.com if you would like to discuss this. Please note that we really need to replace (and probably add) some culverts this year, which are not cheap. Also, if you wish to form a road association, we’d probably be in favor of that.

Finally, we ask that you please NOT call up a local gravel pit and order grave for the road. To understand why, please read the Road Materials page. We appreciate the good intentions, but the local gravel pit doesn’t have crushed stone, and someone needs to be available to spread materials when they arrive. We’re happy to post receipts when stone is purchased, but just buying gravel on your own can frankly do more harm than good.

Here’s a copy of the receipts for the 108 yards of stone already purchased this year: